[You scratch my back, I scratch yours!]

"The Master Witch, Rosalyn, greets the Demi-God Killer, Adam," she said as she looked at me.

To be fair, I wasn't surprised by this. I mean, it would be more odd if people didn't know about 'Adam' after what I had done.

'Glad that all that hard work is slowly paying off,' I smiled on the inside, recalling my initial days in this world.

But what did indeed surprise me was Rosalyn herself. One of the 'Step on me Mommy' girls that all the creepy machoism boys craved for.

'To think I would meet one of the most famous witches this early, huh?' I thought as I recalled her information. Both her future as well as her past.

She had a rather fierce personality along with an equally appealing face that even the models were jealous of. And when added with her special ability to control and manipulate fire, she easily became one of the finest NPCs among the witches that players looked up to.