[Finding Clues!]

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Once again, I woke up in the storeroom of my shop. My eyes wide awake, I look at the ceiling above me.

"Let's start with the basics," I mumbled as I got up slowly and moved outside where the breakfast was.

By this time, I could easily tell how many breads were there and who would eat which bread among them.

Anyways… the important stuff…

"Valencia, you are the Goddess of Battle and Wars, right?" I spoke out as I looked up, while moving towards the sisters, who were now looking at me in confusion.

"I know that the four of you are watching me. I don't really mind that, but there was something I wanted to ask, if it was all right?" I kept speaking while I sat on the floor beside the girls.

"Have you ever heard of the name God of Irrationality?" I spoke out and…

-Whoosh! x 4

4 beautiful ladies appeared in my shop behind me.