
[Yemir's POV:]


I am the Crazy Manipulator.

They call me this because I always have at least a dozen plans and a dozen more backups for each plan.

I make sure to leave no stone unturned. I don't make mistake or rash choices. Every word, every step, every action that I take is carefully calculated.

As for being crazy. It's because of how often the carefully articulated works of mine look rash in the eyes of the onlookers.

One man's perfectionism may seem like just another crazy attempt by a psychopath.

'Is it the same here?' I thought as I saw how absurd the situation has developed into.

I was prepared to fight enemies at least 3 times more powerful than me. And run away if they are even 5 times better than me.

At the very least, if they are 10 times stronger than me, I would be prepared to die with them. That's how much I have prepared.

Not just for this time, but for all the times in my life.