[I’m out!]

Author's Note: Tristan was that purple haired mage who worked along with Yemir and other dark mages. He is a demi-human with part unicorn in his blood and is also a dual mage with the powers of Curse and Wrath.



[Tristan Clover's POV!]



" [Defibrillate!]"

I chanted as I drained the curse and death energy from those monsters.

While I usually delve into curse magic and such, I also have a couple of spells to remove curses just in case I mess up.

'To think it would be used in such a way,' I thought as I saw that dark mage still fighting against that skeletal being.

My eyes then moved to Yemir's daughter who just chanted World Magic and was holding the fort on her own. She stood there releasing a huge amount of mana that was circulated to every being in the vicinity.

The monsters evaporated while those from our world gained a strange aura that took all our exhaustion away.