
[Millian's POV!]



So. How do I explain this?

I came here into this city since I sensed someone causing a commotion in this part of the world.

Normally, it would be improbable for me to go into another inspector's territory, but it was different this time.

"My name is Wesker. The Black Shadow has summoned you," he stood there speaking before he vanished.

Wesker was it? I think that was his name. I couldn't even sense him…

I came here to confirm it. Whether or not it was true was a totally different matter. Just that not anyone can take Master Black Shadow's name so easily…

And reaching the city, I found the inspector was fighting here with a black swordsman, who seemed rather handsome for a human. And a bunch of other humans frolicking about the city.

'Nuisance,' I thought as I looked at how pathetically he was losing against a human swordsman.

And thus I moved on to take charge and kill them all at once.