[Child of Mana!]

A few days after the events in the Border Town, the news reached most of the nearby countries. Especially the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Life, since the city was on the border of those two.

And while things were much calmer in the Kingdom of Light, it wasn't the same for the Kingdom of Life, Nirvana.

In a forested area, deep into the Forest of Life, there was the main city of elves.

It was a massive city that ran on mostly mana, and the mana engineering was at its peak. Fast train-like structures, and water bridges, and houses that were connected through mana portals.

It was like a metropolitan high end developed city, except that it was run on mana and not on electricity.

And at the center of the city, lies the giant tree, The Yggdrasil, Tree of Life. Though it was just one of the greatest branches of the tree that happened to be here, where the first elves settled.