
"You know. You are quite good for someone who is doing it for the first time," Anna said as she and Tinkerbella reached back to the shop.

To her surprise, there was a huge line of players outside trying to get in. But because of certain restrictions, only 10 players could go into the shop at a time. It was frustrating, and the players weren't happy with this.

"Why are they taking so long inside? Just buy and leave so that we can have our turns," one of the male players, JoMama, spoke in frustration as he looked at the barrier preventing the players from entering.

"Miss Anna…" Tinkerbella had a bit of doubt wondering if she could enter with her, or should she just wait like the other players outside?

"What? Hurry! It's getting late, and it's almost lunchtime too," Anna spoke as she walked towards the shop under the gaze of the crowding players.