[Nvida: The Dryad!]

Within the Nahida Forest, Black Scythe, Raven and Tinkerbella were going deeper into the central area where the monsters were a bit more powerful than those before.

Leveling was easy because of the arrays, and all three players were already lvl 10 before they knew it, reaching the lvl cap of the Beta Release.

This happened specifically because of the [Arrays] that allowed them to have increased stats and farm [Exp] on weaker monsters, letting them level up at a faster rate than usual.

On the short side, they used all of their arrays, and also lost about 3 hours in the middle. Now they had only 3 hours left before they could complete this task of theirs.

"How much farther?" Black Scythe asked, getting goosebumps as he ventured into the deeper parts of the forest.

The forest was especially dark with the evening coming faster, and the light in the forest getting dimmer with time.