[In the middle of Nowhere!]

[Adam's POV!]



Same time as beta release ended



"Hey, what place is this?" I asked as I looked at the empty caskets lying all around. Different shapes and colors on every house, with most of them empty. 

This settlement was in the middle of the stretchy grasslands and had half a dozen houses, and was on our way to the Mermaid Kingdom. We just stopped here to take a short break before we reached the coastal city and then to the City of Islands, Reverie.

In Reverie, there stays Laplace, for whom I had journeyed for so long. Well, Laplace Junior, since the real Laplace is a legend now.

"It's called Buston. Nobody lives here, and people leave stuff in the caskets for the future adventurers who would pass by here. You can leave extra food in the caskets too. They say it brings good luck," Albedo spoke as he threw a stone into the caskets from a distance.