
Within the confines of the prison wall in the Coast City, a bustling number of people paid their visits. Some were there to see what was going on, while others were wondering what the heck was going on. 

The former the ones who saw some people being carried to the prison, the latter ones were the people who actually got captured in the whole scenario. 

"I am telling you. I have done nothing!!" 

"Why are we captured? We were merely watching! Is that a crime?!!"

"I have my shop open! At least let me go so that I can close it! I promise I will come back!"

"My father won't let any of you go scot-free. You do not know who my father is."

In each cell were about 10 to 12 people, and there were about a dozen or two cells in the prison. So there were over 100 people who were shouting at the top of their lungs, asking the reason for this whole thing.

That included me too, of course.