[Amidst the darkness!]

"What about a Demi-God killer?"

I changed back to 'Adam' while I looked at that vampire. This was done to instill caution and a sense of fear in him. But contrary to my expectations, he was more confused than he was afraid.

"Who are you?" He asked as he took a step forward, with death energy channeling into his hands. His eyes turned deep red, with the surrounding mana turning scarcer and scarcer.

'Seems like my influence isn't as deep as I expected it to be,' I thought as I introduced myself with a proper smile.

"The name is Adam. Just your average adventurer on a journey. I have come across this site to find some answers. Would it be all right with you if you could satisfy my curiosity?" I asked as I looked at him, while his hand turned black, overflowing with death energy.