
"My name is Vladmir. Vladmir the IVth. And as for the angel, apart from what I have already told you, there was one more piece of information. It is related to the first appearance of that angel. They say that she appeared in the Viscount's mansion, where that guy works… if you ask the Viscount he should be able to tell you more about it," Vladmir, the Vampire, spoke as he looked at me with hope twinkling in his eyes. 

Hearing that, I then turned back to Geralt, who was equally shocked to hear what Vladmir told. 

And I closed my eyes for a brief moment as I then recalled the mansion. 


Checking through the maps, I saw that the child who asked me to find that angel was still sitting there on the bed, lost in his own thoughts. And while there were more people around the mansion, including the guards and other staff, there was no sign of the Viscount.