[The concept of Good and Bad!]

"We thought it would take her at least a century to find the way back to us. No… we were pretty much sure of it.

But damn, we were wrong."

A sigh filled with a hint of anguish escaped from her mouth as she recalled the memories of the ancient times.

"3 years. That's all it took her to find the gateway towards the Mortal realm," Queina began telling how she just appeared out of thin air in the middle of the market, naked without any clothes, naked without any emotions.

At that point, probably… just probably… her existence had already become stronger than all the Mortals combined. Perhaps even the Gods included.

Where she appeared was a land of barbarians. Ruffians and slave traders. It was a place where humanity had shown their worst colors possible.

And nature, as such, they showed their colors as well.