[Searching for my Brother!]

[Eyes of Mana!]

Searching around the area, I tried to find something… anything.

People with no mana and people with abnormal mana were my targets, along with any sign of fluctuations of mana. If possible, any rare type was also acceptable.

Colors of various shades appeared in my vision. From violet to red, all colors of the spectrum in various shades were visible. A darker shade meant more power, or perhaps more control over that type of mana, while a lighter shade meant a lesser alignment.

Most of the people here had a bluish hue with a few more clay brownish hues. Some red mixed in with green and purple. 

'It's a variety but… not what I am looking for,' I pondered a little until I found something at a distance. A trio standing there talking among themselves with no concern for their surroundings.