[Save the Angel!]

The aura of that guy increased at an insane rate as he obserrved me with his huge wings opened up menacingly. The dark creepy aura oozing out of his body was now more like a mist than a light smoke.

[Air steps!]


[Faster than before!]


[Stamina Boost!]

[Agility Boost!]


And despite all these boosts, I saw him appear in front of me within a fraction of a second.


It wasn't that hard to dodge his attacks, though. Powerful, but the lack of any proper skill is pretty apparent.


Though his air slashes now carried strong power along with a bit of his dark aura, shattering the area where they hit. 

Some of the black mist around his sword, liquified and slowly melting onto his sword. It looked a little slimy from a distance, slowly covering the entire sword second by second.
