[Vampire’s Nightout!]

[Author's Note: Vladmir is that vampire guy Adam met in the deepest part of the underground market in the Coast city.]

[Vladmir's POV]


"Just what am I doing?" I sighed as I walked into the underground market, looking around for specific people that could have some valuable information about the angel. 

'It's the right choice, right?' 

Just how desperate have I become to fall into this state? Following someone else's order, fulfilling someone else's desire and hoping that I could find what I am looking for. Not sure if my brothers and sisters in the afterlife would be happy with what I am doing.

"Well. At least it serves as a pastime," I then decided to not think much of it. It wasn't like I had a proper direction, either. So where the winds of fate were to take me, for now, I should follow that path.