Predicted These Events

"Hmm... What's this strange warmth between my legs?" commented the tree avatar.

The sudden remark caught Lian by surprise, almost making him jump.

Then he remembered that their consciousnesses and bodies were one. He shared all his sensations with her. Despite her resemblance, she wasn't Lyn. He didn't want to taint her pure and childlike mind.

"It's just a normal sensation; your skin is exposed," Lian replied hastily, feeling a bit embarrassed. "You should wear clothes to cover yourself." He tried to defuse the situation, seeking to dispel any inappropriate thoughts.

Acting quickly, Lian fashioned a set of clothes in record time. He knew what suited her appearance, opting to create a colorful dress that reflected her childlike personality.

As she put on the clothes, Lian reflected on the importance of giving her a proper name. "Lia... Lia Albedo," he said with a smile, watching the happy reaction on her face.