Chapter 147: The Nine Kingly Weapons (Part 3)

"Of course." Seeing the skepticism and distrust on Muria's face, the Spirit of the Void straightened his expression and, without waiting for Muria's objection, streams of dazzling light overflowed from the runes on the altar, lifting all the legendary metals Muria had taken out and casting them into the flames.

"Isn't it too hasty to forge nine weapons at once? I'm not short on time; I can wait." Muria watched the legendary metals fall into the flames, somewhat helplessly. "Wouldn't it be better to forge them separately?"

"Do not doubt my abilities! Young Titan," the Spirit of the Void told Muria. "Everything you see here, as far as the eye can reach, is part of my body. Nine weapons are nothing to me."

"This metal floating land is your body?" Muria asked incredulously.

"Of course."

"Then, what exactly are these streams of light? Where do they come from?" Muria pointed to the continuous flow of light falling into the Eternal Flame and asked Hephaestus.

"Just energy chaos that fills the endless void, drawn in by me."

"Energy chaos in the void?" Muria was taken aback, then quickly followed up, "Is the void filled with this kind of energy flow?"

"Not to that extent, but nearly so." The Spirit of the Void glanced at Muria. "Why do you ask? Thinking about venturing into the void?"

Hephaestus scrutinized Muria, then showed a look of disdain: "With your frail body, don't even think about it. You wouldn't survive a quarter hour in the void; the chaotic flows would tear you apart."

"I'm not planning to go now," Muria responded. "But if I were to forge armor from legendary metal, could I survive in the void?"

"No!" The Spirit of the Void answered definitively.

"How terrifying is the void?" Muria showed a look of surprise. "Even legendary metal can't withstand the chaotic flows of the void."

"The void's chaos isn't strong enough to destroy legendary metal. Even the most terrifying void storms can only deform it. After all, the chaotic flows are just energy leaked from the world."

"So, I'm just too weak?" Muria smirked. "Even wearing armor made of legendary metal, I can't survive in the void, right?"

"Correct. You do have some self-awareness," Hephaestus nodded with a hint of approval, cautioning Muria in an educational tone, "Young Titan, don't think about the void until you've reached the pinnacle of legend. It has nothing to do with you for now. Just observe while you're here."

"Heh!" Muria gave an awkward but polite smile, then pointed to the legendary metals in the Eternal Flame, showing slight signs of melting, and asked, "How much longer?"

"Legendary metal takes a long time to melt," Hephaestus said with an amused look at Muria. "And are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" Muria took a step back unconsciously. Although the Spirit of the Void was smiling, Muria sensed a thick malice.

"What? The weapons being forged are your exclusive weapons. You don't think you can just stand by and do nothing, do you?"

"What do I need to do?" Muria asked calmly, though he felt an ominous premonition. Before coming here, his spirit, Cassio, had given him a crystal bottle filled with the sap of the Eternal Life Tree, meant for treating severe injuries.

"You don't have to do much," Hephaestus looked at Muria with a smile. "Just bleed."

"How much blood do I need to shed?" Muria narrowed his eyes, having a vague idea of what was required. In his past life, there were similar myths.

"Normally, a Titan needs to drain all their blood once to forge an exclusive weapon.

But you, being special and wanting to forge nine weapons simultaneously, need to drain all your blood nine times."

"Are you joking? Drain my blood nine times? Where would I get that much blood?" Muria stepped back. Draining all his blood, even once, let alone nine times, was absurd, even for his robust physique.

"No worries, as long as enough energy is provided, Titans regenerate blood quite fast."

Muria's face darkened at the Spirit's nonchalant tone... clearly, this spirit was not to be trifled with, having drained who knows how many Titans of their blood.

"Hm?" At that moment, Hephaestus paused, looking towards the Eternal Flame, "Why is there Sunflame Gold?"

In the midst of the translucent flame adorned with nine colors, the legendary metals Muria had "painstakingly" collected floated, emitting dazzling spiritual light under the terrifying heat.

Under the flame's scorching, all the legendary metals showed signs of melting, except for one – Sunflame Gold. Under the Eternal Flame's burning, not only did this metal show no signs of melting, but it also radiated a more brilliant and captivating crimson spiritual light than any other legendary metal.

"This legendary metal is not suitable for Titans."

"But it suits me," Muria raised his palm, and golden dragon flame ignited.


"Surprised?" Muria's golden eyes fixed on the Spirit of the Void, one pupil silently shifting to a vertical slit.

"I'm not a pureblood Titan; I'm the child of a Titan and a Dragon!"

Seeing Muria's transformation, the Spirit of the Void opened his mouth, then forced out, "So, you stole your father's or mother's legendary metals to come here and forge weapons?"

Muria's face froze, the dragon flame extinguished, and the vertical pupil disappeared. What was all this?

He hadn't expected the spirit to be so unconventional. Wasn't this the time to marvel at his identity, followed by a brief introduction of his grandfathers, then bask in astonished praise?

Why dwell on where his legendary metals came from? And what's this about stealing? As an offspring, how could taking a trivial part of his mother's collection be considered stealing?

"Can you actually melt the Sunflame Gold?" Muria asked with a straight face. "Although the Eternal Flame is special, Sunflame Gold is a fire-attributed legendary metal. The effect of flames on it is greatly diminished."

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Hephaestus's form exploded into countless streams of light that danced and then merged into the altar. Subsequently, the flame atop the altar blazed even more fiercely, the already massive fire expanding further.

"In this world, there's no metal I, Hephaestus, cannot melt."


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