Chapter 158: Interference

"Lord Atreus!"

In the dazzlingly lit castle hall, built from a mix of fifteen legendary metals, a spatial rift appeared on the throne and then expanded. A girl with long hair and shrouded in a hazy golden light stepped out and naturally took her place on the throne, looking down at the "humans" lined up in two neat rows to salute her. Among them, the youthful and beautiful golden-haired chief maid, Sophia, stood at the forefront of the left line.

"Hmm!" Lord Atreus, the Golden Dragon Mother, nodded slightly from her elevated position, exuding the dignity of a superior being.

"Lord Atreus, how much of the legendary metal taken by young master Muria have you recovered?" At that moment, the chief maid stepped forward, her smile slight, and asked the Golden Dragon Mother.

"It's all been forged into weapons by him." The Golden Dragon Mother revealed a complex expression, "Not a bit could be recovered!"

"This..." Hearing this news, the chief maid was momentarily stunned, then her smile brightened, seemingly pleased, "Young master Muria is truly talented, having used up so much legendary metal."

Behind the chief maid, the "humans" were also shocked by this news, whispering among themselves. As they turned their heads, scales, horns, wings, and tails all became visible. These were not humans but a group of monsters barely maintaining human form.

These monsters were also aware of the vast amount of legendary metal Muria had stolen.

And as followers of the Golden Dragon Mother, they had a rough idea of what it meant to forge personal weapons from titan metal.

"Quiet!" Seeing the commotion below, the Golden Dragon Mother frowned and reprimanded, "Maintain your appearances."

"Lord Atreus, please forgive them!" Sophia, seeing the Golden Dragon Mother slightly angered, softly advised, "Asking them to take on human forms is too difficult for them."

"What's so hard about that?" The Golden Dragon Mother showed displeasure, "Even those five-colored dragons under little Muria's command can perform transformation spells. Are you saying you're inferior to a group of immature dragons?"

Below, the group of non-humans looked at each other and chuckled awkwardly, not saying a word. They were all monsters subjugated by the Golden Dragon Mother's force, essentially wild by nature and reliant on innate abilities.

Learning spells, especially those for transforming into human forms, was beyond them.

"Every dragon can perform spells, it seems Muria put a lot of effort into these dragons."

"Yes, so I threw all his dragons across the world. He will surely leave here to find his painstakingly raised dragons."

"So, Muria will embark on a journey around the world, willingly."


"Lord Atreus!" Chief Maid Sophia looked up at the girl on the grand metal throne, "Even if Muria hadn't stolen your legendary metal, you would have found an excuse to exile his dragons to various subcontinents, right?"

"Sophia, that's hypothetical. Regardless, Muria would definitely have come to my castle and stolen my legendary metal. Everything is under my control," the Golden Dragon Mother confidently stated.

"So, Muria emptying half of your treasury and taking your most valuable treasures was also within your control?" Sophia asked softly.

The Golden Dragon Mother's face darkened slightly; she hadn't anticipated Muria's bold move, "Sophia, you were there. Why didn't you stop little Muria? With your strength, Muria wouldn't be a match for you even in thirty years."

"You ordered me to accommodate Muria as much as possible and not to interfere with his actions. I was following your instructions."

"Then, Angelia!" Atreus tapped the throne's armrest, "Come out and explain to me."

"Master!" Countless lights converged in front of the Golden Dragon Mother's throne, and then a black-haired, golden-eyed girl resembling Muria's human form appeared, looking like a feminized version of Muria!

"I adjusted the castle's defense spells to the lowest level as per your request, facilitating Muria's breakthrough."

"So, you just watched as little Muria took all my treasures without doing anything."

"You didn't issue any specific commands," the spirit of the crystal castle, Angelia, stated seriously.

"Oh!" The Golden Dragon Mother sighed, hand on her forehead, "Why did I create you if not to guard my treasures?"

"No, based on my calculations, the main reason you created me was because Muria is male, not female, which disappointed you. You wanted a daughter, thus I was born."

"Angelia, that's not a reason for watching Muria steal my treasures without taking action."

"Don't shift the blame, Master. I've always been following your orders, lowering the defense spells' level and not causing any trouble during Muria's theft."

"So, it's all my fault, all my mistake," the Golden Dragon Mother asked.

Chief Maid Sophia and the castle's spirit, Angelia, nodded vigorously. Sophia, pointing at the many monsters behind her, said:

"Lord Atreus, if you had let them guard the castle, you might not have lost so much treasure.

But you didn't. You had Angelia teleport them away whenever Muria came to the castle, leaving it unguarded in his presence.

So, all the consequences are your own doing. Please don't try to shift the blame onto us."

The Golden Dragon Mother, Atreus, fell silent for a moment. Then her expression shifted slightly, and her eyes sparkled with interest, as if she had thought of something amusing:

"Little Muria, it would be too easy to let you find the dragons. Let's add some difficulty!"

Thus, the Golden Dragon Mother seated on the throne reached out, tearing open a spatial rift and delving into it...


"Cassio, how much longer until the teleportation array is ready?" After bidding a simple farewell to his many Titan friends, Muria returned to his residence and looked at the nearly completed large-scale teleportation array spread across the courtyard floor, asking the spirit.

"It's almost done." Cassio looked at Muria and reminded him with a calm voice, "Once you step into the array, you will be transported to the subcontinent of Ionia. Based on the medium, you can directly reach White Tiger Troy's side.

But after that, you won't be able to get any help from me. Everything will depend on you. Are you ready?"

"I've packed everything I need."

Muria smiled, looking at the completed array and the central tuft of white hair, and stepped onto it without hesitation, activating the teleportation array.

Terrifying elemental fluctuations surged, and radiant light burst forth. Muria was enveloped in a column of light, tearing through space, beginning to traverse the vast distance...

At that moment, a slender, pale hand silently reached out towards the column of light encasing Muria...


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