Chapter 292: The Nine-Tailed Evil Dragon

Dragon Titan Form! After learning the true identity of the Paleblood Devourer, Muria decided to use his strongest form to end its life, showing the greatest respect to this fellow villager.

This was the biggest concession Muria could make. He could not let it go; the carnage it had caused was too great.

Had this been on the Ionian subcontinent, such an evil dragon would have been slain long ago. But here in Osroni, a continent rampant with beasts, it had been able to swagger until now. But even so, its good days were coming to an end.

"The mutation is really severe." Muria, with a majestic stature, looked at the Paleblood Devourer and sighed. He was surrounded by golden flames and thunder, and a hurricane column centered around him was slowly forming.

The Paleblood Devourer was a dragon nearly a hundred meters long, heavily mutated under the influence of demonic bloodlines, its form far more ferocious than that of a red dragon.

Its body was covered with bone plating and spikes, much like other fang dragons, but thicker on the Paleblood Devourer. However, what truly set the Paleblood Devourer apart was its tail.

The Paleblood Devourer had nine forked scythe-like bone blade tails, and its most significant difference from other mutated fang dragons was the pair of winding, twisted dragon horns growing on its head, which looked more like the horns of a demon. Such a form was worthy of being classified among the great dragons.

Beside this ferocious evil dragon were more than thirty mutated fang dragons guarding it. This was the main force under the Paleblood Devourer, forcibly elevated to the level of soul intent through its blood, forming a legion of fang dragons.

Before receiving a distress signal from one of its Blood Clan playthings, the Paleblood Devourer was leading its forces to attack ten human cities simultaneously. The city Muria teleported to was one of the less significant targets.

After breaching all defenses of a city and attacking the last barrier – the temple, the Paleblood Devourer learned that its lair had been raided.

The Paleblood Devourer, having activated its bloodline, flew into a rage. Without a second thought, it summoned all the mutated fang dragons attacking the cities to return and support its lair, a place of great significance to it.

"End me?" Hearing the words spoken by the being before it, the already enraged Paleblood Devourer became even more furious. Not even the larger size of Muria or the oppressive aura in the air that accelerated its heartbeat could instill a trace of fear in it.

The bloodlines of the Balrog and the red dragon made it fearless. At this moment, even if a deity stood before it, it would still dare to attack if it had the ability to move.

"This state is really disappointing." Seeing the ferocious form of the evil dragon before him, a hint of disappointment flashed across Muria's ancient face, obscured by faint golden light.

He didn't want to fight an evil dragon that was losing its sanity due to bloodline influence; it was too uninteresting. In its frenzied state, the Paleblood Devourer's physical qualities indeed improved significantly, but no matter how much it improved, it could never surpass him.

After all, it was just the bloodline of a Balrog and a red dragon. To mortals, these were the most terrifying existences, but to Muria, they were merely units of measurement for his parents' power.

His father, Ansul, had brought back countless Balrog corpses from the abyss, and one of Muria's most vivid memories of his mother, the Gold Dragon Lady, was soon after his birth when she caught a pair of red dragons in the Crystal Castle.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"... As Muria sighed in disappointment, nine scythe-like bone blades, the tails of the Paleblood Devourer, thrust towards him, taking the initiative to attack.

"Too slow!" Under Muria's feet, nine soul intent rings, as if forged from gold and wrapped in thunder and fire, silently appeared. Then, with a burst of green light, they turned into azure gold, with the soul intent of the wind bolstering his towering figure.

The large body, seemingly an easy target, displayed a nimbleness that startled the Paleblood Devourer. All nine tail stings were dodged by Muria, none hitting him.

"Not bad fighting instincts." Muria, having dodged the attack, complimented and then grabbed a slightly slower retracting tail. Amidst many astonished gazes, Muria's right arm muscles bulged enormously, exerting terrifying power on the Paleblood Devourer.

"Roar!" This almost completely irrational mutated fang dragon roared angrily, unable to resist Muria's strength. He was held up and used as a special type of meteor hammer, smashed against its own subordinates.

One after another, the mutated fang dragons were flung by Muria using the Paleblood Devourer, crashing into nearby mountains and plains. The massive impact created dragon-shaped craters on the ground, and several mountain peaks were smashed flat.

Unfortunately, this "meteor hammer" that Muria found very handy made a decisive decision. Realizing it was being used as a weapon and unable to break free, it severed the tail that Muria had grasped. The other eight tails, like a storm, pierced towards Muria.

At the same time, it called for its subordinates, the other mutated fang dragons, to gang up on Muria. Clearly, realizing it couldn't beat Muria in a one-on-one fight, the mutated fang dragon opted for a mob attack.

"Clang, clang!"

This time, the tails of the Paleblood Devourer struck Muria, who had already donned the Holy Imperial Armor. Because he was too lazy to dodge anymore, making a dodging move for the first time was enough to give this fellow villager face.

Sparks and bone fragments flew as the continuous attacks of the tails followed. The Paleblood Devourer began to doubt its life because not only did it fail to injure Muria, but the bone blades on several of its tails also cracked.

Allowing the Paleblood Devourer to attack for a few moments, Muria had twenty-four soul intent rings emerge behind him, slowly rotating. Brilliant golden thunder erupted from them, wrapping around Muria's arms.

"Boom!" Enveloped in golden thunder, Muria threw a punch, the air thundering, sounding like a thunderstorm explosion, as a golden dazzling light column blasted towards the Paleblood Devourer. That was Muria's punch.

"Roar!" The nine-tailed evil dragon roared. Behind it, forty soul intent rings of black and red, slightly mixed, appeared, conveying brutality, tyranny, chaos, death, and darkness. This was the soul intent of the evil dragon, a thoroughly evil being.


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