Chapter 307: The Gestation Phase of the Elemental Lord

"Just as I suspected." In the midst of the blazing sea of fire, Muria gazed at the crimson flame giant before her, whose mere presence shook the surrounding space.

The Fire Elemental Lord, or more precisely, one that was still in its gestation stage. Through its somewhat translucent body of flames, Muria saw a heart pulsating at the very center of its chest.

It was a heart formed from elemental crystals, pulsing with strong energy, sending it throughout the body of the flame giant via energy meridians. This heart originated from an Elemental Lord that had fallen ten thousand years ago.

"Muria, I want to eat this." Seeing the heart emanating astonishing energy fluctuations, and held in Muria's arms, the restored form of Yndira drooled and coaxed Muria.

"You've already eaten so many hearts of the elemental elders, it's my turn now." Muria, also in her original form, pinched Yndira's cheek, "This elemental heart is mine."

Muria had risked coming here for the heart of this Fire Elemental Lord. Upon hearing from the tower spirit about the elemental turmoil, she immediately guessed that there might be the heart of an Elemental Lord or an equally valuable treasure of the fire attribute.

In the world of Elasia, almost all mage towers draw their energy from the Elemental Plane. Establishing an elemental pool in the mage tower, which connects to the Elemental Plane, signifies an endless and inexhaustible source of energy.

However, opening an elemental pool is not without risks. Establishing an elemental conduit can attract elemental beings from the Elemental Plane.

The larger the elemental conduit, the more numerous and powerful the attracted elemental beings. Also, too much accumulation of elements can naturally give birth to elemental life, although this is generally unlikely to happen.

Nevertheless, mages have devised schemes to circumvent the risks associated with opening elemental pools. By setting up filtering arrays in the conduits connected to the Elemental Plane, they allow only pure elements through, blocking elemental beings with self-awareness.

The function of these arrays is similar to a net, albeit much more advanced and designed to intercept much stronger beings. If the "net" is broken, the elemental pool automatically shuts down the conduit to the Elemental Plane.

Mages have long since figured out ways to safely harness the power of the Elemental Plane. However, even the most foolproof methods can sometimes fail, as in the case of the mage tower where Muria currently is.

The legendary mage and elemental manipulator, Hainar, wanted to build a floating city, so he upgraded and expanded the scale of the elemental pool in the mage tower to power the entire city.

In essence, he increased the scale of the conduit to the Elemental Plane. To maintain the stability of the elemental conduit, legendary mage Hainar had to use some precious treasures for support.

For example, using the hearts of legendary Elemental Lords is undoubtedly the best choice to support the conduit to the Elemental Plane.

As a legendary mage preparing to build a floating city, Hainar was considered extravagantly wealthy among mages; money was not an issue for him.

He used the hearts of Elemental Lords corresponding to the four basic elements—earth, wind, water, and fire—to support all elemental pools. Even for elemental pools of different elements like thunder and ice, he did the same.

Unfortunately, just as his floating city was nearing completion, Hainar died, directly halting the construction of the floating city. Without his maintenance, the floating city couldn't be built.

Then came the situation described by the tower spirit. Because the consumption of the mage tower was far less than the output of the elemental pool, it led to a massive surplus of elements, resulting in what Muria now saw.

The place was teeming with fire elemental life. With ten thousand years of elemental accumulation, it even gave birth to several soul-level elemental elders. Most crucially, the overly rich fire elements, with the Elemental Lord's heart as the core, were gestating a new legendary Fire Elemental Lord.

"No, I want to eat." Hearing Muria's refusal, Yndira, held in her arms, immediately became petulant. Compared to a Lord-level heart, what was an elder-level elemental heart?

"Listen, this heart is very useful to me." Muria soothed Yndira with a gentle smile, speaking kindly first and resorting to force if necessary. After all, she had means to restrain Yndira and was not afraid of her rebellion.

"Besides, Yndira, let me tell you, there are at least four hearts like this here," Muria coaxed like one would a child, "Four hearts, we can split them evenly, how about two each?"

"Um." Yndira brightened up at Muria's words, pondered for a while after biting her finger, and finally agreed to Muria's proposal.

"I'll take this heart for now." Muria set Yndira down and walked towards the elemental lord still in gestation, under her covetous gaze.

"Tsck, given another thousand years, you might really have developed a complete consciousness and come to this world as an Elemental Lord. Too bad, you met me." Muria lamented, but her actions were swift. Holding the Prison Warden's Halberd, she pierced the Elemental Lord's skull, extinguishing its nascent soul.

Without pity, Muria had not reached a level of compassion for an elemental being that may or may not have developed consciousness.

During this process, no fire elemental life came to hinder her because almost all elemental beings, including the guardians of the Elemental Lord, had already been eradicated by Muria and Yndira—most of them devoured by Yndira.

"Roar!" As Muria pierced the Elemental Lord's skull, a barely audible roar sounded by her ear. Then, a red light shot from the incompletely gestated Elemental Lord towards Muria.

"Clang!" "Roar!" Before the red light could fall, it triggered a reaction from Muria's weapon and bloodline, causing nine divine weapon phantoms to appear behind her, clanging in response. The red light burst into pieces before it could get close.

Above, a majestic axe-wielding Titan and a dignified golden dragon phantom appeared, unknowingly shielding Muria from the gaze of some existence in the fire elemental realm.

"Tsck." Seeing what seemed to be a curse or a mark explode, Muria showed a hint of surprise, "Being cursed for slaying an unformed Elemental Lord, huh? Well, no big deal."


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