Chapter 316: The Majestic Red Dragon

"Muria, are you sure you want to find dragons in this state?" On the ruins of the Nine-Tailed Evil Dragon Yun Yu's castle, Troy looked at the sleepy Muria with a hint of worry. To other beings, it seemed he might fall asleep standing at any moment.

"Sure." Forcing his spirit up and struggling to keep his consciousness clear, Muria managed a weak smile. His current mental state felt like that of a human extremely deprived of sleep, yet forced to stay awake, enduring waves of drowsiness, which was very uncomfortable.

His will slackened just a bit, and he would fall into sleep. However, Muria could wake up from a short sleep by relying on his consciousness, although it was hard to maintain the clear state he had before swallowing the hearts of the elements.

"Let me see, which dragons have been exiled to this subcontinent." With a somewhat muzzy consciousness and half-closed eyelids, Muria waved his hand, and ninety-five dragon scales, shimmering with a hazy five-colored spiritual light, flew in front of him.

All the dragon scales flashed, sensing the existence of their original owners on this continent. In the end, only six scales continued to glow with spiritual light, while the rest dimmed.

"It seems not all dragons are as troublesome as you guys." Putting away the dimmed scales, Muria looked at the six glowing scales in front of him, his half-closed eyes turning towards a chuckling red dragon named Cleisthenes.

"Uh, Auston and Renata are both on this continent. Seems like my luck isn't too bad." Muria, with sleepy eyes, looked at the two particularly bright red scales among the six, his face showing a hint of joy.

Especially for Renata's presence, Muria was too familiar with it. After all, these were dragons he had watched grow up; he couldn't possibly mistake them.

"Let's contact Renata first." Muria reached out, and the floating red dragon scale, larger than the other four, flew in front of him. The murky red glow it emitted, carrying a scorching breath, made the air around it distort slightly.


On the Osnirol subcontinent, at the edge of a battlefield thick with the stench of blood, inside a makeshift command post hastily constructed from more than a dozen huge stones, a red-haired, red-eyed girl was issuing orders to a half-dragon kneeling before her with a majesty Muria had never seen before.

"Lady Renata, the number of inferior races like gnolls, lizardmen, and goblins is insufficient," reported a male half-dragon, over three meters tall and covered in pale red scales, with utmost respect to the red-haired, red-eyed youth.

"I recall before the war started, you reported to me that we had over three hundred thousand of these cannon fodder, enough for the consumption of the war. Now, you're telling me it's not enough." Hearing the half-dragon's report, Renata's face showed no anger, only her indifferent vertical pupils staring at the half-dragon nearly burying his head into the ground.

"Lady Renata, that human crusader squadron has consecutively defeated three of our monster clans, which greatly demoralized them. Hence, a large number of monsters fled in the past two days. It's unavoidable unless one of the lords can defeat that crusader squadron."

"Crusader squadron." The red-haired, red-eyed girl's brow furrowed slightly. She was troubled by this knight squadron that was not in the intelligence reports. None of her monster clans or any dragon under her command could defeat this squadron capable of joint force operations.

"I have my ways to deal with these cowardly crusaders. You need not worry." Seeing the somewhat panicked half-dragon before her, Renata's eyes narrowed slightly, and her dragonic aura spread, instantly suppressing all beings in the temporary command post to prostrate.

"Don't make excuses for your incompetence." Renata, releasing her dragonic aura, spoke with a suffocating pressure, "Saka, I give you half a day to bring back those fleeing low-level creatures, at least a hundred thousand. If you can't meet the quota, bring your wife and children to fill the gap.

We must have monsters to exhaust those ordinary human soldiers and prevent them from posing a danger to my main forces."

"Lady Renata, this order..."

"Do you intend to disobey?" Into the command post walked a blue-haired boy, looking even younger than Renata, with a smile. He stepped on the head of the prostrated dragon-man.

"I dare not disobey the order, but the time is too short. Gathering a hundred thousand cannon fodder in half a day is too difficult." The half-dragon Saka struggled to reply, his head half-buried in the dirt.

Saka knew if he didn't clarify quickly, there was a high chance his head would be crushed by the blue dragon's foot.

"Find a way to complete the task yourself." Renata spoke indifferently. Gathering a hundred thousand low-level monsters was not a big deal as long as one was willing to pay the price. After all, the wilderness was filled with their presence.

...Renata issued orders to the half-dragon, dragons, and monster clan chiefs before her in an orderly manner, displaying an unprecedentedly strong female dragon posture, no longer the frail figure she showed in front of Muria.

Suddenly, the red-haired girl, who was issuing orders to a robust flying monkey, paused, her face showing a trace of ecstatic joy, causing the flying monkey leader before her to be slightly stunned; it had never seen Commander Renata in such a state.

"Everyone, get out. Without my orders, no one is allowed in." Seeing the many monsters waiting for orders before her, Renata directly ordered them out.

The monsters exchanged glances, then a dragon cautiously approached, "Lady Renata, if you don't give us orders, we won't know how to combat those humans. Are we just supposed to wait?"

"Get out!" The originally beautiful Renata's face suddenly showed dense dragon scales, "Just wait obediently. Even if the humans attack the doorstep of my command post, you're not allowed to disturb me."

"Understood." With the conversation reaching this point, the monsters had no choice but to obediently leave. No one wanted to face the consequences of deserting an ancient red dragon.

"Muria." Once the monsters bowed and left, leaving only the blue dragon who was helping her maintain order, Renata couldn't wait to gesture forward. Instantly, the projection of the spiritlessly lethargic Muria appeared before Renata.

"Tsck, Renata, looks like you're in a good situation," said Muria, contacting the young dragoness through her shed scale, marveling at her current state after seeing her clearly.


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