Chapter 325: The Source of Calamity

"You were robbed five times, and each time my grandmother just happened to be there?" Muria listened somewhat speechlessly to the less than pleasant way Bronia and her grandmother had become acquainted.

"Who would have guessed your grandmother Yarlista had such a strong ability to conceal her presence? Without her taking action, I could never recognize her true form and mistook her for a human," Bronia lamented somewhat helplessly.

"Robbed five times in different places, and each time you encountered my grandmother," Muria said, a subtle expression appearing on her face as she looked at Bronia, the red dragon who was now lying down recounting old tales.

Robbed at five different locations, all involving her grandmother—could it be a coincidence? Especially when one party completely concealed their presence and still encountered her each time.

Once or twice could be explained as coincidence, but as it happens more often, it's no longer explainable by coincidence. When coincidences accumulate, they become inevitabilities.

"Do you think it's not a coincidence?" Seeing the subtle expression on Muria's face, Bronia exhaled a puff of black smoke from her nostrils, filling the air with a rich sulfuric scent.

"But back then, I didn't realize it and was beaten up by your grandmother five times, still naively thinking it was just my bad luck that I encountered her each time during my robberies."

"Do you now understand why you kept running into my grandmother back then?"

"I do," Bronia's face showed a resigned expression. "After your grandmother beat me down for the fifth time and asked if I would follow her, I agreed.

Later, I asked her why I encountered her every time I committed a robbery.

She told me that she had marked me the first time I robbed her. That's why I kept running into her.

Your grandmother told me that she had taken a liking to me the first time we met and wanted to tame me as an experiment."

"What kind of experiment?" Muria asked curiously, guessing this might be the reason his grandmother, a golden dragon, had adopted a red dragon.

"Crystal dragons can adopt and educate white dragons, turning them into good dragons. So, could a red dragon also be educated to become a good dragon?" The unexpected yet logical answer drifted into Muria's ears.

"I see." Muria suddenly realized. He finally understood why his mother, the golden dragon mother Atrelis, had given him six red dragon eggs when he was young.

It was because his grandmother had already conducted similar experiments. They knew that red dragons could be nurtured and educated to change their inherently evil nature and become good dragons, or at least no longer commit evil acts.

The ancient red dragon Bronia before him was the result of his grandmother's experiment. The title "Creator of the Deep Forest" given to Bronia by other creatures of the continent said a lot.

"From that time on, I started traveling everywhere with your grandmother," Bronia's eyes showed a reminiscing look. "Yarlista taught me spells, the languages of various races, and many ancient etiquettes. She taught me many things that most red dragons never have the chance to learn."

Silently listening to Bronia's reminiscences, Muria remained quiet, eager to hear more about his grandmother's deeds.

"I once traveled with your grandmother in human form to the kingdoms of humans, doing things that other dragons of the five colors would never do."

Bronia's eyes showed a self-mocking look as she continued, "Championing justice, fighting evil. Can you believe it? I, a red dragon mingling among human nations, actually did what you golden dragons like to do, and I did it for two hundred years.

I followed your grandmother fighting against the demons invading Erathia, killed devils lurking in human governing layers, fought against the cults of evil gods... All the things that good dragons do, I did them with Yarlista."

Muria listened intently, finally understanding why Bronia's deeds before becoming an ancient dragon were unknown; even if someone knew, they wouldn't believe it.

"That was the most fulfilling time of my life. I'm grateful that fate let me meet Yarlista on my first raid. It was the best timing with the best dragon."

Bronia's eyes suddenly showed anger as she raised her body, her voice roaring,

"But I also hate fate for letting Yarlista meet your grandfather Dimos, the source of calamity."

"Cough, things have already passed," Muria said somewhat awkwardly as he stepped back a few steps, seeing the angry ancient red dragon who seemed to have feelings beyond gender for his grandmother.

"Hmph!" Seeing Auston shivering in the nearby lava pool, Bronia calmed down a bit.

"Can you tell me how my grandfather met my grandmother?" The ancient red dragon Bronia was like a living history book, having witnessed many legendary stories unfold, including how Muria's grandparents met.

"Hmph, how else could they meet? It was because of a damn cult of evil gods. Both received a mission from the Church of Good Gods to investigate.

During their investigation, that's how they met. There's a kind of attraction I can't understand between ancestor dragons.

In less than a month, your grandmother had abandoned me after nearly two hundred years of following her, and started mingling with your grandfather every day, completely disregarding my feelings."

"Uh!" Muria, facing the jealously filled ancient red dragon, stepped back a few steps with Troy. As a noble-blooded ancestor golden dragon, how could she not be moved by meeting another dragon of her kind, possibly even superior?

"One question, if I may." After Bronia vented her emotions, Muria couldn't help but speak up, "Why do you call my grandfather 'the source of calamity'?"

"Because he is a born bringer of disaster. Ever since your grandmother Yarlista and Dimos became a couple and traveled together, I almost spent every day fighting alongside them.

Even sitting doing nothing could bring trouble to our doorstep, involving all sorts of inexplicable situations.

For instance, triggering an almost broken teleportation circle, entering an ancient ruin sealed for thousands of years...

Sometimes while walking, the ground would suddenly collapse, revealing a passage to the dark realms."


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