Chapter 327: A Devoted Follower?

Arrogance is an emotion easily cultivated by intelligent beings, especially after achieving significant success in certain areas.

For example, when Muria was on Taiji Island, looking around, there was no one who could stand against him, not even the most powerful storm giants; they were no match for him. Despite knowing that there were others like him in the world, he still became arrogant.

It wasn't until later, when he went to the Titan lands and fought with his fellow Titans, that his arrogance was finally tempered.

It was clear that Atrelis, the Golden Dragon Mother, had experienced something similar in her youth. Due to her powerful ancestor dragon bloodline, no dragon of her age could match her, which led to the growth of a proud heart.

Ansor, her challenger and Muria's father, on the other hand, did not harbor such pride. Having grown up in the Titan lands among peers and legendary beasts, Titans do not foster arrogance.

"Your mother was willing to admit that her defeat was due to her arrogance, but she did not accept that she was inferior to your father.

Thus, your mother prepared to challenge your father again. She began researching binding spells specifically tailored to suppress a Titan's combat abilities, aiming to temporarily curb his battle prowess."

"Did my mother succeed?" Muria asked incredulously. Titans, being at the pinnacle of life forms, are almost immune to all forms of instant death, curse, and negative spells. Titans can only truly be defeated in direct combat.

"She barely succeeded," Bronia scratched her chin. "Your mother developed three eighth-level spells targeting Titans, and during their second challenge, she managed to bind your father for just a moment."

"What did my mother do with that brief time?" To ordinary beings, that moment would pass in the blink of an eye, but for the Golden Dragon Mother at that level, it was enough to accomplish a great deal, especially given her pride and power.

"She transported your father to the realm of fire elements, then used the environmental advantage and her preparations there to defeat him. She even sealed him in the fire element realm for a whole month before sending him back to Erathia."

Muria smacked his lips, acknowledging the strategic foresight in developing targeted spells and preparing the battlefield in advance. This was the way of a mage dragon, and there was nothing wrong with that.

However, not many could play this game like the Golden Dragon Mother. Just the act of independently developing new spells would eliminate 99.9% of mages.

Unfortunately, Muria was among those who would be eliminated; he hadn't even grasped the principles of some basic common spells, let alone invent new ones.

This was not his mode of combat; spellcasting was just a method of attack for Muria. He did not inherit his mother Atrelis's top-tier magical research talent.

Or perhaps he had inherited this talent but didn't have the time to develop it fully, as the Titan heritage alone demanded all his effort.

"From that time onward, your father and mother truly became adversaries, engaging in battle after battle.

If one fell in defeat, the other would surely win back the next fight. In this way, through endless battles, their fates became irreversibly intertwined."

"So, our parents ended up liking each other and then got together?" Muria was somewhat stunned by the process, finding it a bit absurd how they became a family through fighting.

"Later on, I heard there were many other events, but exactly when, I'm not sure.

Honestly, when I first heard the news, I could hardly believe it." Bronia looked at Muria, taking in his unique form.

"It wasn't until now, seeing you, that I truly believed that Atrelis did unite with a Titan to become mates and bear a powerful hybrid offspring."

"Heh heh." Muria chuckled dryly, scratching his chin. "Um, Bronia, do you know where my grandmother is now?"

"The Endless Void." The massive red dragon raised her head to glance at the obsidian ceiling above, a trace of regret in her eyes. "Dimos has become the Dragon King, and Yarlista certainly wouldn't lag behind him, so she also embarked on that returnless path."

"The Void..." Muria murmured softly. The Endless Void was a destination chosen by those aspiring to legendary epic status, a path almost all Titans choose.

With Titan bloodlines, they are destined to reach the peak of legends within a millennium. When their power reaches the peak of their bloodline and the limits of the physical realm, they venture into the Void.

However, the Titans who step onto this epic path and return are fewer than one to two percent. Most perish in the Endless Void, while others lose their way in its vast expanses, unable to find their way back.

Only those who become epic Titans eventually return to the world of Erathia, standing shoulder to shoulder with or even above the gods, enduring through countless ages without fading.

"When Yarlista left Erathia, I asked her to take me with her," Bronia's eyes filled with sorrow. "But your grandmother refused. She said my strength was too weak; I wasn't worthy to follow her anymore, fit only to remain in Erathia as an ancient red dragon waiting to die."

"Uh, Bronia, when my grandmother said that, it was probably out of concern for you," Muria tried to console the sad dragon. "She just didn't want to use you as cannon fodder."

"I know she said it deliberately, but what she said was true. My strength is too weak to be of any help to her."

Muria tugged at the corner of his mouth; the ancient dragon seemed to have adopted a somewhat self-deprecating attitude since being rejected by his grandmother.

Beside him, the red dragon Auston, who had been avidly following his family's gossip, was a testament to this.

"Bronia, do you have any offspring?" Muria ventured to ask.

"No, I was too young when I followed your grandmother, and I had no intention of choosing a mate. It was only when I was about to become an ancient dragon that I broke away from being a follower of your grandmother."

"So, you have no bloodline to carry on?" Muria looked at the ancient red dragon, who had dedicated almost her entire life to his grandmother and then nearly wasted her latter years.

She had given her all, yet not achieved the outcome she desired.


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