25 May, 1358. Magdaline Castle, Islia
The maids had finished helping bathe and dress Camilla that morning and one of them was brushing out her hair. The three maids assigned to her had at least stopped suggesting how she should style her hair, but they served her sullenly. The eldest maid still treated her with barely hidden contempt. They all saw her as some wanton foreign creature who had arrived to lead the good men of Islia into sin and ruin with her bare head and simple gowns.
Camilla found it amusing to be thought of as a temptress by the court maids and ladies, when she was actually avoiding most men. Apart from the occasional brief conversations with King Edward at dinner, the only other men she had spoken to properly were Tession and Sir Francis Lowell. An old healer and a betrothed man - she was hardly winning over the hearts and minds of the menfolk.
She took a sip of the warmed ale in the cup next to her chair and had a few bites of fruit. A knock on the door of her presence chamber interrupted her thoughts. One of the maids opened the door and in walked Prince William, trailed by three young women.
He was dressed in a white tunic and looked as flawless as ever. The expression on his face made it obvious he'd rather be anywhere else but in front of her.
Temptress indeed.
She stood up and bowed respectfully to the prince, who bowed back and gestured to the young ladies. "Their Majesties believe a princess should have proper companionship. The queen herself has selected these ladies for you. From now on they will attend you as proper ladies-in-waiting." He said nothing further, clearly thinking he'd done his duty by dragging three strangers into her apartments. As if there was nothing more for him to say or do.
After an uncomfortable moment of silence, the tallest of the three stepped forward and bowed. "Good morning, Your Highness. My name is Margaret Vere, but everyone calls me Meg." Meg had curly copper blonde hair and merry eyes. "This here," gesturing to the ash blonde girl next to her, "is Katerine Stuart. And this lady is Elizabeth van Collits." All three ladies had friendly smiles and Camilla hesitantly smiled back.
"I'll leave you all to get acquainted. The maids have been instructed to prepare a room for them in this wing, so they can be near you." With that, William abruptly spun on his heel and left the room.
"A pleasure to see you too, my lord." Camilla said under her breath. The ladies-in-waiting all turned to look at her and Camilla blushed when she realised they'd all heard her bitter comment. Would they take offence because she had spoken less than politely about their beloved prince?
To her immense surprise, the girls all burst into giggles. Camilla started to laugh as well.
"Who pissed in his ale this morning?" Meg, who Camilla would soon learn had the bawdiest sense of humour of them all, asked out loud. "Usually His Grace is far more charming, especially to the ladies."
"He ran from here as if he were standing at the gates to the underworld!" Elizabeth laughed, shaking her head. "If one didn't know any better, one would think he's afraid of you, Your Highness."
"I'm quite sure the prince thinks I am the gates to the underworld." Camilla muttered, which made them all burst out laughing again.
The maids remained in her room, with disapproving looks on their faces. Camilla waved them away. She turned to look at her three new ladies and realised how quiet and solitary her life had been over the past few weeks. She gave them a shy smile. "Please just call me Camilla."
- - -
The three ladies spent all day in the presence chamber, plying her with endless friendly questions. They wanted to know all about her castle in Arlington, her family, the clothes and fashions of the Moraigthian court. For the first time, Camilla was able to talk briefly about her parents and brothers without crumpling into tears. It was still painful but not quite so excruciating.
They also shared information about their own lives. Elizabeth was betrothed to the youngest son of an earl and would be married in early autumn. Meg was the fourth generation of women in her family that had been ladies-in-waiting to the Islian royal family. Her family expected her to make a good match by catching the eye of a nobleman. Whereas Katerine was shy and sweet, whose most cherished goal was to one day learn to read.
"Perhaps I can help you learn." offered Camilla and the rest of the girls stared at her, slack jawed.
"You can read?" Katerine looked at her with wide eyes. Camilla remembered the hostile glares of the men on the two occasions she had braved entering King Edward's library. In contrast, Katerine's stare was full of admiration.
"Yes, I learned as a child. I can write also. I'd be happy to teach you both - aaahh!" Camilla shrieked as she was nearly knocked over by Katerine, who threw her arms around her for a hug, before she remembered her manners and hastily pulled back.
When it was time to head to the great hall for dinner, the girls helped her prepare by brushing out her hair and smoothing her gown, shooing the maids away. The four of them walked to dinner together.
Camilla took her usual seat at the high table next to William, while her three companions sat at one of the ladies' table a little to the side. Meg flashed her a cheeky wink when she saw Camilla sitting next to the prince.
"What are you smiling about?" William asked her as he sipped from his goblet.
"Nothing for you to worry about, my lord."