All Men Are The Same

Looking as beautiful and as cold as an avenging angel, William fixed her drunk dance partner with a hard stare and said calmly, "I'll be cutting in now." He plucked the man's hand from the small of her back with evident disdain and pulled Camilla away slightly.

The other man looked offended and tried to stand his ground, despite swaying on his feet a little. "But Your Grace-"

"You should worry about learning to hold your drink better instead of whether you lose a dance partner, Sir Harry. Go now." William's icy voice made it clear he wouldn't tolerate any argument.

Camilla watched the other man bow and walk away dejectedly and sighed with relief. Feeling self conscious in front of the prince, she quickly looked down and smoothed the front of her gown. Unfortunately, she always seemed to catch his gaze when she was looking her most disheveled or embarrassed.