Sweeter Dreams

William felt her delicious warm wetness tighten around him as she screamed. It tipped him over the edge and a rush of pure bliss ran through his body. He shuddered uncontrollably and uttered a string of curses into the crook of the girl's neck. After several seconds, he slumped over her, utterly spent and his breath heaving. He could feel her chest rising and falling quickly beneath him.

He slowly pushed himself off her and lay at Camilla's side, his breathing ragged and one arm still tucked under her back. Running his free hand through his hair, he glanced over to where she lay, flushed and limp.

"So then," his voice was husky and sated. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

Camilla looked at him through half closed eyes. "No. I expected worse."

He chuckled and closed his own eyes. "Goddamn. If I'd known deflowering a royal maiden was this rewarding, I would have pursued you twice as hard. I would've had you months ago."