
After continuing to keep an eye over Thomas and watching the celebrations continue a while longer, William wondered if he should just leave. The sense of false merriment in the room had put him in a sour mood. Two people who were repelled each other had been forced to pledge their lives together, solely to benefit their families. What was there to celebrate? 

As he walked back to his original seat to grab his outer tunic, he saw Camilla sitting quietly at a table, back straight and poised like a young queen. There was a cluster of other ladies at the same table, the bride being one of them. However, Princess Eleanor had positioned her broad back to face Camilla, clearly intended to exclude her from the group.

Camilla didn't look troubled but William felt pity for her. Even after several months, she was still considered an outsider, especially amongst the noble ladies. Her rank as a foreign princess earned her polite deference but not acceptance.