
27 March, 1359. Magdaline Castle, Islia

The days after Easter Sunday were a time of celebration in Islia. It was an opportunity to cast off the Lent fasting and deprivations, and welcome the impending arrival of spring.

After what had felt like an endless bitter winter, even in the milder climate of southern Islia, the court had finally returned north to Magdaline Castle. To her surprise, Camilla felt a rush of familiarity and comfort when she saw the rosy coloured walls of the castle. After only a couple of days, she was settled into her apartments in the southern wing, almost as if she had never left.

The king had announced there would be a costume ball that night to celebrate the return to Magdaline. Camilla had inwardly groaned at the announcement, wanting to just spend the evening curled up in her bed. However, she knew she'd have to scrape together the last of her enthusiasm and take part.