No Love Lost

11 January, 1359. Westerhaven Palace, Islia

Cold, steady rain fell the morning of Prince Thomas's wedding to Lady Eleanor De Buer. It was uncomfortably warm in the crowded chapel however, the scent of candles mixing with incense. Camilla waited quietly with the rest of the guests for the bride's arrival.

It had struck her as odd for a royal wedding to be scheduled so soon after Twelfth Night. Then again, the rumour amongst the courtiers was that King Edward himself had insisted on holding the wedding earlier than planned to prevent his son from finding a way to wheedle out of it.

Looking down the aisle to where Prince Thomas stood, looking like a prisoner awaiting execution, Camilla suspected there was some truth to the rumour. The king and queen sat under the canopy of state, both wearing tight, grim smiles.