
Camilla stood as still as she could as William carefully pressed the dampened cloth to the side of her face. She gritted her teeth against the pain, then found herself wrinkling her nose at the unusual herbal scent. "What exactly is in that remedy?"

"It's one of Tession's concoctions so who can really know? It works though. I've used it plenty of times when I've received a blow from a lance or sword." William paused, looking at her with a troubled frown. "Then again, I'm not sure he prepared it thinking it would be used on delicate female skin."

"It does seem to be helping." The scent was oddly soothing and Camilla's head no longer felt like it would split open from the throbbing pain.

William pulled back the cloth to look at her skin, then gently pressed it against her cheekbone again. "It already looks far less swollen." he murmured. "With a little luck, there should be no bruising."