An Ugly Truth

26 July, 1359. Magdaline Castle, Islia

William forced himself to rise before dawn, despite having slept little during the three previous nights. He was desperate to speak to Camilla before King Kenneth summoned him for breakfast yet again.

He almost ran to Camilla's apartments and knocked on the doors to her presence chamber impatiently until a maid opened them.

"So early this morning, my lord? My lady isn't even dressed." the maid eyed him suspiciously after bowing. He knew he looked like hell.

Camilla stepped out of the bedchamber, with a silk robe over her long nightgown. Her brow furrowed when she saw him.

"William, are you alright? You look ill-"

"I need to speak with you alone. It's urgent." he interrupted, looking pointedly at the maids.

Camilla nodded and quickly gestured for her maids to step into the corridor. Once they were alone, she turned to face him with concern. "What is it?"