
Dinner in the banquet hall that night was a rather awkward affair. As soon as William stepped into the vast space unaccompanied, both King Edward and Queen Celia stared at him in surprise from the high table.

William bowed at both and gave them a sheepish look by way of explanation. "The princess sends her apologies, Your Majesties. She twisted her ankle and Tession is caring for her injury. He has advised she needs to remain off her feet for at least two days."

King Edward's face scrunched in irritation. "How the hell did that happen?"

William managed to smile, despite feeling King Kenneth's gaze boring a hole into his cheek. "You've seen the high heels the court ladies wear in the name of fashion."

"Well, she had better be well enough to walk down the aisle in less than a fortnight." snorted King Edward as he took a large draught from his bejeweled goblet. "I won't allow all the pomp and arrangements already made, go to waste."