Truths Left Unsaid

28 February, 1360. Westerhaven Palace, Islia

"Good morning, Tession. I've brought back some of your books. I'm afraid they took me a little longer to finish them than I'd hoped." Camilla smiled as she entered the healer's quarters. She moved through the cluttered room and carefully stepped around a number of storage chests scattered haphazardly across the floor.

"There's no rush, Princess." the old man gave her a welcoming smile in return.

"Well, I didn't want to hold on to the books longer than needed. You've already been so generous in letting me borrow whatever I want." Camilla saw no point in telling him the reason she'd taken so long with the books was that by early afternoons, her eyelids were drooping from exhaustion. She had recently started taking naps to ensure she could stay awake through dinner.

"What's with all the storage chests? Where are you going?" she asked.