Flashback: Proof of Sin

3 August, 1355. Port Canfirth Palace, Moraigth

The shrill cries startled Camilla out of her bored reverie.

She'd been sitting cross legged on the floor of Queen Antonia's presence chamber, helping her ladies stitch a new tapestry. Camilla loathed needlework. Especially because as the youngest and least liked of the ladies in the room, she'd been relegated to a corner of the tapestry, doomed to only be allowed to stitch an endless stretch of plain blue sky.

When the commotion broke out, Camilla perked up, hoping for at least a brief distraction. Very quickly though, she heard the fear in the screams. She set her embroidery needle aside quickly and scrambled to her feet, as did the other ladies.

The only one who remained seated was the queen herself. She merely looked up from her upholstered armchair with a glare and asked in a snappy voice, "What is all that dreadful noise?"