So Be It

Camilla wasn't sure how much time passed. The stabbing pains along her belly and back kept coming in waves, closer and closer together.

She tried not to cry out where possible, having been made to feel by the midwives that she was making a noisy fuss over nothing much. There were times when she couldn't help it though, and screams tore out of her. She clawed William's hands so hard that she could see marks on his flesh from where she'd dug her nails in.

She was aware of his presence next to her, patting her back and whispering words of encouragement. When she looked at him, she could see his face was pale and his eyes were darting around the way they did when he was anxious. To her though, he tried to smile reassuringly and didn't say a word about his own fear.

Camilla appreciated his presence more than she could say. Even though she was unsure how things between them would end up, she was glad to have someone in the room who cared about her.