
7 June, 1360. Eberelle County, Northern Islia

William's hunch about the peasant girl Joan Marcel proved correct. Over the next several days, he caught occasional glimpses of her around the Islian camp, trying to keep the hem of her dress from dragging along the muddy ground.

She glared at him resentfully every time their eyes met.

William had no reply for her. What exactly was she expecting from him? He'd fed her and done his best to provide a measure of protection. He couldn't offer her more, certainly not a place in his bed. Other men of course, would have no such reservations.

He soon discovered she was sharing the tent of one of his subordinates, Sir Robert Cherbourn. There wasn't much William could do about it. While women were not encouraged with battle camps, they were usually an unavoidable result. So long as Sir Robert performed his duties as a knight, William couldn't really fault him.