The First Sunset

"Sending you away would be like cutting off my sword arm." William squeezed her fingers and opened his eyes. Sadness filled them. "I'm afraid we're bound to each other for the rest of our lives. I'm not sorry about it. I hope with time, you'll grow to not be sorry about it either."

Camilla looked away. "I'm not. I mean, it's not that I regret marrying you. It's just…what if you wake up one morning and change your mind about everything? You can just end things and walk away. I have to accept whatever you decide, even if I don't agree. That's what marriage means when you're a girl."

"You really think I'm that fickle?" he asked.

"Well, I didn't think we'd stop speaking for weeks on end and we managed to prove me wrong, didn't we?"

William groaned, looking pained. "I made a fucking mess of things. If it's any consolation, I've been one unhappy bastard without you."