Among Arlen’s Ashes

William turned on his heel to head into the corridor when he felt a firm grip on his arm, preventing him from leaving the presence chamber. He found himself looking into Malcolm's hostile eyes.

The man was assessing him, as if trying to decide whether to call him friend or foe.

"You're good to my sister?" the Moraigthian asked abruptly. "You treat her well?"

"Yes." William replied shortly.

"You treat her son well?"

"Our son, I think you meant to say. And yes, I do." William tried to keep his face from twisting into a frown.

"Do you keep mistresses? Or wenches, or whatever you call them here?" Malcolm's questioning continued without pause.

"No I don't. I stopped chasing skirts before we married, actually."

"You don't lie to her? Or hit her?"