Truths and Untruths

After some effort, William was able to calm himself down enough to speak again without shouting. He could still hear his pulse pounding in his ears as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

"I'm willing to allow Lord Henry to train undisturbed as a knight under Rufus because I don't believe he should bear the consequences of his brother's sins." he managed to say in a choked voice. "But if I ever hear you or any of your kin so much as speak my wife's name again, I swear I will end you all. I'll tell the king everything I saw Richard do and spare no detail. I'll make sure your family name is dragged through the mud and your estate is fined."

Lady Bentworth staggered back as if she'd been slapped. William knew that his threat would cut deep - the haughty woman valued her name and prestige more than anything else.

"How do you know the king would believe your word?" she asked, sounding far less confident than before.