Getting Away with Murder

"What about questioning the new marchioness and finding out what she knows?" King Edward finally asked, after an awkward pause.

William quickly shook his head. "You'll still have the same problem of the word of a foreign woman against that of an Islian man, Sire. And even if women did have the same legal standing as men here, why would any woman go against her husband's word? It would ruin everything she's gained from the marriage."

"Sarai won't lift a finger to help. Especially if she knows it's to collaborate what I'm saying." Camilla agreed.

The barest hint of a smile crossed the king's face. "There's truly no love lost between the two of you ladies, is there?"

"We never did learn to get along, Your Majesty." Camilla said diplomatically, sighing and rolling her eyes when William gave a funny sounding little cough at her side.

Clearly, he found the memories of two princesses vying for his attention back then, delightful.