
That evening, Camilla insisted on joining William at dinner with the rest of the court. He had suggested she stay in their apartments and rest but she'd refused.

"Soon enough, I'll be unable to leave our bedchamber for weeks at a time and I'll want to pull out my own hair from boredom. I'm not starting that early." she had said to him.

William hadn't looked convinced, even after she'd downed one of the vials of herbal tonic Tession had prepared for her earlier that day. As soon as the familiar pungent taste filled her mouth, Camilla felt as it had only been yesterday when she'd been carrying Malcolm in her belly.

She'd then called Bonnie and Matilda to the apartments, to help iron out the creases from her velvet skirt and to brush out her hair.

Camilla now bowed to the king and queen, before taking her seat. Queen Celia looked at her briefly, before flicking her eyes towards William and back to Camilla, forehead puckered in an unspoken question.