Flashback: Suffer

As he eventually walked out of Gerron's workshop, self doubt began assaulting William.

Had he done the right thing buying those rubies and instructing the old man to thread them onto ribbons? Were they too extravagant?

What if Camilla didn't like them? What if she just thanked him, using that calm tone of voice that made him want to punch a window, only to throw the ribbons into a chest and forget about them?

I'm not the right person to do this, William growled to himself. What would I know about buying gifts for a woman? I've never had to do such a thing in my life!

Stupidly blind, ignorant girl for forcing me into a corner…

William made his way into his apartments and hurled himself face down on his bed, ignoring his startled head page.

"My lord, is there anything you need-" Casimir's nervous voice reached his ears.

"No." William replied curtly. "I'm tired and want to be alone."