Violet: Unwelcome Home

The rocking of the carriage over the bumpy roads was making Violet feel even more ill than the day before. She held on to the door handle to try and brace herself from the worst of the movement, eyes tightly shut.

The carriage man had said they'd be arriving at Thierre Manor before sunset. Every time she thought about having to explain what had happened to her mother, Violet's throat would close up with fear.

She'd occasionally hear Ilse's belly rumbling with hunger but other than that, her twin made no sound. Violet looked out the window, noticing how the further west they headed, the poorer and more desolate the landscape became.

It was mid-afternoon when Ilse called out to the carriage man to stop for something to eat. When the carriage came to a stop, Violet stuck her head out the window and looked around at the small village they were in.