Violet: Right or Happy?

"You shouldn't have done that, Vy." Ilse's voice was tight as the two girls walked back to their bedchamber, tired and footsore.

"Done what?"

"Provoked Lady Maisie like you did."

"I did nothing of the sort. I simply let her know I won't tolerate her insulting me or my kin."

Ilse rolled her eyes as they stepped into the darkened bedchamber, then hurried forward to grab the candleholder on the small bedside table. She passed it to Violet, who then used a wall sconce in the corridor to light the candles.

Once the door was locked behind them, Ilse turned to her sister again with a long suffering look. "You upset her first, by suggesting her admiring Prince Johan was disgusting."

"It was disgusting! The prince would be over twice her age! Are you saying you don't see anything wrong with her practically panting over the man?"