Violet: Who Shoulders the Blame?

6 November, 1348. Westerhaven Palace, Islia.

Violet trailed her parents into King Edward's presence chamber. She already felt exhausted by the carriage journey from Orravalo to Westerhaven Palace. The howling autumn gales had rocked the carriage without pause. She'd been forced to request the carriage stop several times so she could be sick along the side of the road.

Having to sit between her silent parents during the journey had been its own special kind of punishment. Violet didn't know what troubled her more - the grim determination on her father's face or the ambitious gleam in her mother's eyes.

The moment the Thierres had arrived at the palace's grand entry courtyard, they'd been met by two stewards who quickly and quietly ushered them inside. They were lead directly to the king's presence chamber in the southern wing.

Violet supposed she was fortunate her case was being heard there and not in the more public grand hall.