Violet: Chaste Good Manners

"Go on then, sister!" Ilse's voice rose as she glared at her twin. "Go and tell Her Majesty what you did! How you broke my heart by laying with the man I loved. Tell her what a shameless whore you've been, just because you wanted to hurt me by taking what was mine!"

More horrified gasps filled the room. Violet could see the fascination, mixed with morbid delight, on the faces of the ladies-in-waiting. They'd know right away what man Ilse was talking about.

How could they not? For weeks, Ilse and Leo had been the most admired, most envied young couple at court. Now everyone would know Ilse was accusing her own sister of acting the wanton with the prince.

"Girls!" the queen screamed as she heaved herself out of her armchair and waddled over to them, face red with outrage. "This is the most despicable behaviour! You must explain yourselves at once!"