Violet: Red Dots

26 October, 1348. Thierre Manor, Duchy of Orravalo, Islia

"Violet, Violet…" the voice was high pitched and far away but sounded insistent.

Violet squeezed her eyes shut tighter and tried to ignore it.

"Violet, wake up!"

Something was shaking her and pulling at the warmth and softness that cocooned her. Violet felt icy air kiss her neck and shoulders. With a groan of complaint, she curled herself tighter into a ball against the cold.

"Wake up…sister!"

Violet suddenly opened her eyes, unsure where she was. Who was that voice calling her? Had it been a dream?

Then a small face and a pair of messy, apricot coloured braids swam into view.

"Do you always sleep so deeply or were you just pretending? I was shaking you for ages!" Sancia asked.