Violet: Common Knowledge

As if on cue, the Moraigthian girl suddenly appeared at the far end of the gardens. She was wearing one of her simple dresses and strolling arm in arm with her dark haired lady-in-waiting. The two young ladies had their heads bent together, absorbed in their conversation. Suddenly, the chit's laughter rang out.

Violet saw William's posture stiffen and his frame immediately swivel in the direction of the musical laughter. She could see he was trying hard, so very very hard, to ignore the object of his desire and not look at her.

His efforts failed. Unable to stop himself, he just sat there with eyes locked helplessly on her.

The chit didn't even blink his way.

She must be a skilled actress, Violet marvelled. Could she really be oblivious to the prince's scalding stare? The foreign girl continued talking to her companion, the two of them in fits of giggles and completely ignoring those around them.