Erebus 5

I refused to take the bait this time. A fact that made him laugh harder. Luana continued to stare at me as she closed the distance between us. She held a single small bag in her hands as she came to a stop in front on us. Her head was forced back to look up at me. The look in her eyes unnerved me in a way. I had not expected her to look at me with such... awe. I had expected fear. Or at least weariness. Not this... Fascinated stare.

"Hello again Fytin," she said. I almost thought she was addressing me until her head turned to look at the smaller male. Her voice was quiet but almost melodic. The mellow notes soothing.

"Hello, Ana. That Maxi dress is beautiful on you. I do not believe I have ever seen such a style before," the Cupion complimented. Her smile widened. "Don't you agree Erebus?"

I looked between them. I was thoroughly confused as I questioned, "Ana?" I thought my mate's name was Luana. I mentally beat myself into a bloody mess. I should have followed with the compliment first before the question.

Her eyes looked at me and she blinked but seemed unbothered. "My nickname. It is what loved ones call me. Some of my friends use it as well." She responded to me. Her voice unchanged. As if the question was almost expected.

Without my thought on my part I asked, "Do you wish me to call you Ana then?" I was appearently very nervous.

She laughed, "If you would like. Luana, Ana. it makes no difference to me. You can call me anything you think would fit me."

I looked at her, "Ana fits you." My voice was harsh even to my own ears. I habit I thought I had kicked years ago. Apparently I was wrong.

Her eyes brightened, "Thank you! And thanks for shooing away that man."

I grunted. She was starting to knock me off kilter. With the staring and her words. I could not come up with a better way to respond to her thanks.

"Now then allow me to formally introduce you two. Luana this is Erebusiôn'sint Hetaliaion. Erebus this is Luana Orlander. Your bride."

I grunted again. Her gaze did not even waver. Her striking eyes looked at me with awe and fascination. That green deepened with delight.

"A pleasure to meet you Erebus."

"Likewise, Ana." I still felt stiff. I extended one of my hands, "I'll take your bag. Is this all you have?"

"Oh no!" She rushed out. The change in her tone and face telling me this somehow worried her. "This is my bag with the basic necessities during the trip. I was told the rest of my things would be transported to your ship." She handed the bag to me and I noted how light it was.

"Indeed," Fytin agreed. "By the time you finish your vows, her belongings should be waiting beside your ship."

"Shall we proceed then?" I asked. Ana nodded. Her smile returning to her face. I was worried my stiffness would put her off. Perhaps she was simply pretending not to be bothered by it. I should show more enthusiasm. More warmth. The situation seemed to rob me of all rational behavior.

Seeming oblivious to my inner thoughts, he motioned us to follow him. He was very aware. He was just choosing to ignore it. "The Pristess is waiting for us in the chapel," he said. He took the lead and I was surprised to see Ana take quick strides to catch up to him. Althought she slowed to walk beside me. Likewise I slowed my pace to be more comfortable for her. I noticed during her rush to catch up with him she had extended her legs wider than should be comfortable. Together we followed in his wake.

She kept looking up at me. That same awe still clear to see. My lower right hand clutched at her bag. My unease at her stare made me want to tell her to watch where she was walking. She had broken what I had thought was unshakable confidence.

Everytime our eyes met she would beem up at me. The quick glances she took to see what was ahead of her made my own nerves fray. Considering how frail Humans were it made me question her survival instincts. What was wrong with her?

"You had a comfortable journey?" I asked. Hoping to fill the uncomfortable silence.

She nodded her head vigorously in agreement. "It was great. I got to try a lot of new foods, the room was very comfortable, and there were plenty of activities."

I expected her to expand on everything. As most females would have... She did not. She simply went back to her glance ahead and gaze focused movements. A short distance ahead Fytin was trying not to laugh. The fact clear in the way his feathers were quivering. I doubted Ana noticed. Even so my eyes narrowed on the other male.

Thankfully the track was short to the chapel. The chapel appeared outfitted to cater to every religion known. A simple voice command was all it took to change it. Ava glance around at the room but seemed unconcerned with it. The holographic walls awaited their orders. As well as the pews that lined the aisle.

A Human female waited at the end. She was of a height with Ana which made me believe she was the expected height for most Human females. This one eyed me warily. Clearly on edge. It restored my faith in myself and once again made me question Ana.

"Ana, Erebus, meet Kiara Susuki. She will be the Priestess for your ceremony." Fytin said. Ana turned to look at the female finally. To my surprise her smile did not move. Kiara returned the smile and gave me a polite one as well. I returned it before setting Ana's bag on the alter. I was beginning to think my female was just always enthusiastic.

Kiara turned back to Ana, "Since this wedding is mainly for you do you follow a certain God or Goddess?"

Ana blinked at her as if surprised by the question. Her eyes drifted to Fytin with a clear question in her eyes. "It is okay Ana. Erebus will be having the wedding ceremony his way once you arrive on his home world."

Her eyes went back to the Priestess, "Perse." The look on the Priestess' face froze. She seemed almost afraid.

Still she gave the command. "Moon Goddess Wanning." The room darkened as the pews sank into the floors. Typically guest at such events would have sat but these ones disappeared entirely. A moon appeared above us. It was a little less than half full and stars dotted the area around us. Ana looked around with curious eyes. She took everything in with excitement. It occurred to me that she may not have been from Earth but one of the many other planets with Human colonies. There were a few who had stayed less advanced by choosing. Or just choosing not to advance in some ways.

"If you are both ready to proceed please face eachother and hold hands." I reached for her hands as she out stretched them. I soon found she was missing two sets. She giggled and pulled one hand from mine while taking a step closer. She proceeded to place one hand on her hip and moved another over her other hand. Only then did she take my hand again. Following her example I had one hand holding and one resting on hers. While my lowest hands held her hips.

"Very good! I was worried you two may need some direction on that front but you figured it out on your own," Fytin said. I had done nothing. I had simply done as Ana had directed.

I rested those hands on her waist, where it curved nicely inwardly. It was pleasantly soft to the touch. Her lips parted as my grip tightened a bit. She tensed a bit but not in a overtly negative way.

"We have gathered to celebrate the union of this woman, Luana Orlander, and this Stelnubis Male, Erebusiôn'sint Hetaliaion. This sacred bond of marriage. This bond must be entered into freely and with honest intentions," the Priestess said. She shot a glance to Ana. Clearly surprised she was still smiling brightly. "Do you Luana Orlander take this Stelnubis male, Erebusiôn'sint Hetaliaion, to be your law fully wedded Husband? Of you own volition? For better or worse? In sickness or health? For rich or poor? In good times and through hardships? Until death do you part?"

It had not occurred to me that Human vows covered so much. "I do," Ana said. She was no longer over eager as she looked at me. Her eyes still shown with excitement but now her face had a hint of determination.

"Erebusiôn'sint Hetaliaion, do you freely take this woman, Luana Orlander, to be your law fully wedded Wife? Of you own volition? For better or worse? In sickness or health? For rich or poor? In good times and through hardships? Until death do you part?"

"I do," I said. I still wondered what had possessed me to agree to this. Why I had let a Cupion talk me into this. A union I had not been seeking.